One of the 2024 Goals of First Baptist is for our church family as a whole to have 5,000 Gospel conversations in 2024. A display is in the Grace concourse as a visual where you can place a ping pong ball in when you have a gospel conversation. There are four colors of ping pong balls based on the conversation.

WHITE represents a Gospel conversation. Write the first name of the person you had a Gospel conversation with and place the white ping pong ball in the display.

ORANGE represents a Gospel conversation that led someone to accepting Christ. Write the first name of the person you had a Gospel conversation with that accepted Christ and place the orange ping pong ball in the display.

BLUE represents a Gospel conversation that led someone that is already saved to following in obedience to baptism. Write the first name of the person you had a Gospel conversation with that has already accepted Christ but wants to follow in baptism and place the blue ping pong ball in the display.

GREEN represents a Gospel conversation that led someone to join the fellowship of the church that has already been saved and baptized. Write the first name of the person you had a Gospel conversation wants to join the fellowship of our church and place the green ping pong ball in the display.


If you have any questions or have a Gospel conversation and would like us to sumbit
your ping pong ball for you, please email us at